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Mount Adams from the Wonderland Trail after Panhandle Gap

On our way to the Indian Bar campsite we crossed over the Panhandle Gap. On our way we were able to see some great views of Mount Adams.
Blue Lake and Mountain

I captured this image while hiking the John Muir Trail. I wish I could always be surrounded by nature as beautiful as this.
The Lonely Cypress (Portrait & BW)

When I was traveling to California I made it a point travel along the gorgeous 17 Mile Drive near Carmel by the Sea. There were many attractions on the drive including otters, sea lions and of course the infamous Lonely Cypress Tree
Hessong Rock in Spray Park

After we left Mowich Lake Campground, my buddy and I decided to take the Spray Park trail instead of the Wonderland Trail Proper. I read in Bette Filley's book, "Discovering The Wonders of the Wonderland Trail" that Spray Park offers some magnificent views whereas the Wonderland Trail is more forested and covered. The only catch is that if it's bad weather, Spray Park is absolutely miserable as there is no cover and it's the highest point on the trail. Thankfully we lucked out and had blue skies and great views! Here is a photo of Hessong Rock as seen from the Spray park Trail.
Lincoln Memorial with Plane Flyby

While I was in Washington, DC I was able to take some great night images of a few of the iconic landmarks that make up this city! Here is an image of the Lincoln Memorial! I was able to capture it as a plane was flying behind it!
Fence Post Covered with Ice

After a brutal Ice Storm passed through Cleveland Ohio I was able to capture this ice coated fence!
Mount Rainier Sunset on The Wonderland Trail at Reflection Lakes

On our way to the Paradise River Campground we were able to see the sunset on Mount Rainier at Reflection Lakes!
Devils Postpile II

A unique formation of solid rock that formed from molten lava.
Yorktown Onion (Portrait)

The Yorktown Onion is native to York County and likely introduced into the area in the colonial times from England. Seed exchange was common between the colony and the mother country. Source: Remember Yorktown
Walkway in a Field

I was on a short hike with a few friends when I took this picture. I really loved the curving lines of the bridge (or walkway) throughout the field and I was lucky that there weren't very many people on it!
Heron Taking Off for Flight II

While on a trip up to Big Bass Lake, Michigan spending time with friends, fishing, having bonfires and what not, I was able to capture this Heron taking off and in flight!
Carbon River Suspension (Cable) Bridge on the Wonderland Trail, Wide

A photo of the neat looking Carbon River Suspension Bridge on the Wonderland Trail. I photographed this down the bank a little bit towards the river.
Mount Rainer Between Mowich Lake And Mowich River II

A view of Mount Rainier on our way to the Mowich River Campground. I love how the opening in the trees allowed for such a beautiful view!

One Autumn day I went out to shoot the leaves & the trees and behold, I found more than that! I found this dragonfly sitting very camly nearby!
Mountain Peaks, Forrester Pass I

This was the view from on top of Forrester Pass. The last pass before reaching Mt. Whitney!
Boulder Colorado Park, Field, Path, Black & White (Chautauqua State Park)

I made a stop over to Boulder, Colorado for some nature photography and to check out the flatirons in Chautauqua State Park to check out the beautiful and breath taking views.
Tall, Dead, Pine Tree against a Blue Sky

Not everyone would take pictures of a dead pine tree, but I thought this looked pretty cool. It was gnarly and had some interesting contrast against the blue sky!
Camel in Dubai with Saddle

I was on tour with MegaDeth during their 2012 "Countdown to Extinction" tour. We had a stop over in Dubai, UAE and we had an opportunity to go on a desert safari where I was able to photograph this camel!
Mt. Whitney Cloud Monster

I call this photo the "Cloud Monster" with the allusion to the "Smoke Monster" from "LOST" the TV series because that is literally what it felt like taking this picture. I was on top of Mount Whitney at sunrise and the weather was constantly changing. I looked to my right and saw this cloud beginning to envelope myself, my hiking buddies and the entire top of the mountain!
Terminal Tower with Bridge

This photo of the terminal tower was taken from Whiskey Island. Whiskey Island is a great place to relax, play volleyball and enjoy the company of friends!