Trip to Monterey, California

I had the pleasure of visiting some friends in California this past month. They live in Monterey and they are some great people! While I was there they were sure to show me around to some cool places and I did a fair amount of exploring on my own!
Monterey and the surrounding area is super nice! I was able to see some great sunsets in Pacific Grove and for you Steinbeck fans out there I spent a lot of time walking around Cannery Row and even visited the Steinbeck Center in Salinas. It was awesome! Here a few of the images from the trip, I hope you enjoy!
Clock on a restaurant on Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey
The moon rising over Monterey Bay...
...And now the sun rising over Monterey Bay.
The house where John Steinbeck spent his early writing years.
Downtown Salinas.
Cannery Row!
Pacific Biological Laboratories. John Steinbeck spent a good amount of time here with his good friend Ed Rickett who was living and working here as he studied tide pool plants and animals.
Surfer's Lighthouse Historical Museum
Sailboats in Monterey Bay, California
Sunset in Pacific Grove with birds & a plane.