Premium Cards Photo Contest

I always feel funny about contests of any sort. They're hard for me because I always wrestle with the "Is it worth it question?" Contests can take up a lot of time and money and you might not get anything to show for it - it's a gamble everytime. But I'm relieved to say that I think the Premium Cards Photo Contest was worth it!
Out of 142 photographers who entered the contest I was picked to be in the top 12 by After that, the voting was opened up to the public so they could vote for their favorite photographer.
With this particular contest the top 3 photographers with the most votes won. When the contest first opened up I did a little sharing on Facebook and Twitter and quickly secured the 3rd place position which was good enough for me. But then near the close of the contest there was another photographer who was right on my heels with votes and he overtook me, bumping me out of the winners' circle! So I kicked it into high gear and told everyone I knew to vote for me (If they wanted to of course). With literally 2 hours to go until voting was over, I went from 4th place all the way to first! The crew at Premium Cards described it as nothing less than,
"...a horse race. Joe Boyle came flying in from the outside with a neck lead into the finish line. Wow!"
So as far as contests go I guess you could say it was pretty exciting. I'm blessed with many friends who shared this contest and encouraged their friends to vote. The comments on on my contest voting page say it all! Thank you again to everyone who helped get me to first place. I literally couldn't have done it without you!