Photo Featured at Doggie Luv Bakery

For the past two years I had the privilege of photographing my friend and her lovely puppy, "Belle". We held these photoshoots usually at a nearby park in the fall so we can get capture those beautiful autumn colors!
My friend occasionally frequents "Doggie Luv Bakery", a local pet bakery shop that specializes in making their own wholesome dog treats! They also have all sorts of gifts for your dog and for your fellow dog lovers! Doggie Luv Bakery recently anncounced that they were looking for photos of pets to feature on their treat bags. My friend heard about the contest and submitted a few of my photos from our photoshoot and they chose the one below!
It was featured for an entire month and I must say it was nice to have my photo chosen to be the feature photo! I'm super glad that my friend heard about this contest and submitted photos on my behalf - that was awesome! It's always great to have some local publicity & to help a local business!